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U-PVC Pipes & Fittings

Standard BS EN-1329

Un-Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) drainage PVC Pipes & Fittings discharge inside the building structure. Un-Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) Fittings is used for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage.

Pipes produces a range of U-PVC pipes for above and below ground use made from virgin raw material. It has full range of fittings in solvent joint for all sizes. The pipes are produced as per standard BS EN 1329. Sizes Range from 56mm to 160mm. Popular Pipes can provide a range of fittings from its own brand.

PVC Pipes & Fittings


  • High quality of finish with smooth internal and external surface.
  • Provide low coefficient of flow friction.
  • Excellent resistance to chemicals found in domestic effluent.
  • Remain stable under elevated temperature.
  • Formulated to withstand weathering effect.


Following are the applications of PVC-U pipes and fittings

  • Soil and waste discharge pipework for the conveyance of domestic waste waters.
  • Ventilation pipe work.
  • Rainwater pipework within the building structure.

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