Poly propylene is the quickest developing polymer in pipe industry. PPR-100 is the best quality of it. PPR-100 just implies that the strength of the material is to endure the tension of 100 bar. That’s why we use PPR-100 for the first time in Pakistan to make PPR-100 lines in three distinct classes PN 16, PN 20, PN 25.

Manufacturers presented PPR-100 fittings according to DIN 16962 and EN ISO 15874, these fittings are produced according to PN 25. Its metal bits are made of metal and are electroplated with food evaluated nickel.

- Exceptional corrosion & erosion resistance as PPR-100 is a polymer product, hence after installing PPR just forget about corrosion problems & so it is an ideal product for various Chemical & other Fluid transmit application
- High chemical resistance power even at high temperatures
- Low Thermal Conductivity makes it an ideal Piping system where one needs to Control & Maintain the Temperature. Indeed, it has the lowest Thermal Conductivity compared to any other polymers
- Anti-Fungal & Non-toxic product, free from the growth of any bacteria
- Leak-proof & airtight homogeneous joints by fusion welding method
- Long Service life, above 50 years over a wide temperature range
- Negligible head loss, Minimum Pressure loss & Higher Flow Rate due to smooth internal surface & homogeneous joints
- Inherited characteristic of high impact strength makes its suitable for industrial application at unskilled labor region
- Wide Temperature range: -40C to +90C (suitable for both hot & cold applications)
- Very low thermal loss, as PPR-C is poor conductor of heat & condensation
- Trouble-free installation process & light in weight for transmit
- Fracture Resistance & Minimum Crack Transmission due to Co-polymer with random assortment.

- Protect PPR Pipes & Fittings from hard impact
- Avoid the use metal tools to fit the brass fittings
- Don’t expose pipes & Fittings to UV-radiation for longer period
- Don’t use flame to head the pipe to get any bents or crossovers